Siden er opdateret 5-09-2021

Sagarmatha Primary School

Sagardanda, Bakanje VDC, ward 3-6

Dansk DANSK: Rapport om rekonstruktionen af Sagardanda Skole efter jordskælvet i 2015 og indtil den efter mange genvordigheder stod færdig i 2021. English ENGLISH: Report on the reconstruction of Sagardanda School after the earthquake in 2015 until it was complete in 2021 after several obstacles. Deutch DEUTCH: Bericht über den Wiederaufbau der Sagardanda School nach dem Erdbeben im Jahr 2015 und bis zur Fertigstellung im Jahr 2021 nach vielen Strapazen.


Project Inspection Report April 2008

Project Inspection Report March 2009

I September 2010 besluttede Padborg-Kruså Rotary Klub at indgå i færdiggørelsen af Sagardanda School. Økonomisk blev de hjulpet af "Helene og Bonnik Hansens Fond" og "Rotary Danmarks Hjælpefond".

Download Projektbeskrivelsen af 17. Juli 2010

I Februar 2011 stod toilettet næsten færdig og indretning af klasseværelserne var godt i gang. Skolen havde besluttet ikke at hyre erfarne håndværkere, men at lade de ludfattige landsbyboere selv få indkomsten. Under ledelse af Mr. Bijuli Bashnet har de lagt en ære ind på at gøre det godt nok, og resultatet er blevet lidt råt og ikke helt i "vinkel" men til gengæld bundsolidt. Man kan sige godt arbejde med lokal charma.

I August 2011 manglede kun 3 klasselokaler at blive beklædt med træ. Skoleinspektøren og Construction Committee havde ikke lagt fingrene imellem mht perfektion. Hvis noget ikke blev fundet helt korrekt, så blev det lavet om. Det er ualmindelig godt og grundigt byggeri. Ta' og læs Namgyal rapport her til højre. Det er en excellent rapport.

Download Monitoring Report August 2011

Download Final Report on Reconstruction May 2012

Endelig i 2012 var projektet færdig til afrapportering. Kun sol-vand-varmeren til toilettet manglede at blive installeret, og den lille pavillon ovenpå den gamle toilet-ruin var ikke bygget. Men vi afsluttede alligevel projektet og afrapporterede det til Padborg-Kruså Rotary Klub og Helene og Bonnik Hansens Fond. Eneneste problem i dette projekt har været rod i regnskabet, men det er alligevel lykkedes at gennemføre projektet indenfor aftalte budget og endog et byggeri i meget høj kvalitet. En af de smukkeske skolebygninger i hele distriktet.


The village of Sagardanda has a population of 275 in 46 households predominantly inhabited by Chhetris and some Sherpas. Shree Sagarmatha Primary School in Sagardanda Village was built in 1992 on the Parents Committee initiative and financed by the local community, because they felt that the distance to Sagar-Bankanje School was too far for their youngest children. It is a ½ to 1½ hour walk each way. In 1995 the District Education Office (DEO) financed the shifting of the wooden shingle roof with tin roof, and in 2005 they replaced some of the old furniture. But the finances were scarce so the quality of construction was very poor. Already 15 years later the whole school building was almost useless, with small rooms with small or no windows, mud floor, rough stone walls and no insulation under the roof.

The school is educating 60-70 students from class 1 to 5, and soon they will also open a Nursery Class. They are educated by 3 teachers with Headmaster Hom Bahadur Pradhan in lead and parents are generally very satisfied with the teachers and their education of their children. The parents are quite active in the school committee and quite interested in the functions of the school. A good percentage of the parents participate when the school is arranging regular meetings and school activities.


In winter 2008 DEO Officer visited the school and he realized how bad the condition of the school was and agreed to renew the school building. DEO provided 629.000 NRS and the villagers produced two buildings with two well proportioned classrooms in each and in an outstanding quality. The fundament is deep and strong with iron enforced concrete on top, and stones are very well cut. Windows and doors are massive and strong. The roof construction could be better, but still it is strong enough. These buildings will stand unchanged for many decades ahead. DEO Officer visited the site during winter 2009 and he became so enthusiastic by seeing the work done, so he immediately provided 550.000 NRS more to complete the two buildings, and to construct one more building for office and one more classroom.

When I visited the site on 1. November 2009, the three buildings were almost complete, and I was very satisfied with what I saw. The construction committee and the villagers as a whole had done a very nice job. I had some small comments on the roof support, but besides of that I had no comments against their work. It was very easy for me to see what is now remaining to do. I didn’t check the account, but according to the committee most of the funds are spend. Enough remain to build a good and strong stone wall between the two terraces, and then there is no more money.
To complete the excellent work done up to now, this new project shall concentrate on making the rooms suitable and comfortable for students and teachers. And to construct a proper toilet with urinal, two toilets and shower room with hot water.

In February 2011 the project were well under way. The village had decided to employ the inexperienced villagers for the work under the leadership of Mr. Bijuli Bashnet to give the income for the generally very poor village. The result is a little rough but very strong and well build. Download the Monitoring Report of February 2011.