Chhirringkharka Community Clinic English Deutch

I 2007 blev vi anmodet af folk i Chhirringkharka om at hjælpe dem med at etablere en klinik i landsbyen. Chhirringkharka er meget afsides beliggende og de har meget svært ved at klare de akutte situationer, der opstår omkring tilskadekomst og fødsler. I alvorlige situationer har de kun muligheden at afvente forløbet og at søge hjælp hos åndemaneren - eller at bære den syge dybt ned i dalen og igen højt op til Sagar-Bakanje, hvor der findes en lille Health Station, som dog kun er åben og betjent 2-3 gange om måneden, eller over 2-3 dage at bære den syge over Lamjura Pass til Phaplu Hospital.

I efteråret 2008 gennemførte vi en befolkningsanalyse med støtte fra PONA-Foundation og Bakanje Health Survey 2008. På baggrund af denne survey beslutte vi sammen med beboerne i Chhirringkharka at bygge "Chhirringkharka Community Clinic" og "Project Proposal" og "Construction Proposal" blev udfærdiget midt i December og sendt til Bygden og til Donor.Sidst i Januar 2009 fik vi svar og kommentarer på projektforslagene og de endelige "Project Description" og "Construction Description" blev gjort færdige og sendt til Donor, PONA-Foundation, først i Februar 2009.

I efteråret 2009 oplevede jeg den store glæde at se mit design og min drøm forvandlet til virkelighed, og så endda endnu flottere og bedre gennemført end jeg havde forventet. Vi gik straks i gang med at planlægge næste skridt i processen, at få uddannet et par piger til jordemoder og en flok beboere til et månedlangt akut- og førstehjælpskursus, og så at få indkøbt inventar og remedier.

Foråret 2010 sendte vi 9 lokale beboere fra Chhirringkharka, 7 kvinder og 2 mænd, på Førstehjælps Kursus på Jordemodercenteret i Phaplu. Et 3 ugers kursus, der bragte dem omkring alle de akutte tilfælde, som de vil kunne møde i bygden. I forbindelse med kurset fik de udleveret en Førstehjælps Kasse med diverse instrumenter, udstyr og forbrugsgrej, som de skal have liggende hjemme hos sig selv, så de kan træde i funktion straks. Desuden fik de en bonus på 150 kr, hvis de ville møde op på kurset hvér dag og holde sig fra alkohol overhovedet. Læs "Working Plan for First Aid Training" og "First Aid Box"

I efteråret 2010 kunne vi indvie klinikken. Da havde førstehjælperne allerede reddet et liv, idet en mand havde spist giftige svampe og var ved at blive lammet. Han fik brækmiddel og kom sig. Klinikken havde også ansat Sarita Sherpa som er CMA (Community Medical Assistant) som var flyttet til bygden fordi hun var blevet gift med sønnen til en af vore konstruktører. Vi indkøbte hospitalsudstyr et godt stykke over klinikkens nuværende formåen, men med henblik på fremtidig udnyttelse. Kort efter indvielsen blev en ældre mand indlagt med en meget alvorlig lungebetændelse og Sarita gjorde flittigt brug af alt sit nye udstyr, og han kom sig. Flere patienter besøger klinikken dagligt og kun åndemaneren er utilfreds med den nye facilitet. Alt i alt et fantastisk dejligt projekt, som nu kan indgå i vores bestræbelser på at opgradere hele sundhedsområdet i Bakanje Kommune. Læs under Women Empowerment Project (WEP), hvordan vi vil bevidstgøre især kvinderne i kommunen omkring deres eget ansvar for at videreføre deres eget sundhedsvæsen. Læs også den afsluttende rapport om byggeriet i Project Report on CCC, October 2010 og læs også hvordan denne klinik indgår i vores Bakanje Health Upgrade Project, November 2010.

I forbindelse med WEP Fase 1-1 havde vi ansat Staff Nurse Samjhana Lama som Health Facilitator. Hun udgav en rapport om sine 6 uger i Bakanje: Health Report Phase 1-1 - 2012

I efteråret 2013 lavede vi en statistik over klinikkens aktiviteter fra den åbnede i November 2010 til Oktober 2013.

Klinikken tog kun mindre skade under jordskælvt i april 2015.

English Chhirringkharka Community Clinic

In 2007, we were asked by the people of Chhirringkharka to help them establish a clinic in the village. Chhirringkharka is very remote and they find it very difficult to cope with the acute situations that occurs around injuries and births. In serious situations, the only possibility is to await the course and to seek the help of Shaman - or to carry the sick deep down in the Valley and high up to Sagar-Bakanje, where there is a small Health Post, which however is only open and served 2-3 times a month, or more than 2-3 days to carry the sick over the Lamjura Pass to Phaplu Hospital.

In the autumn of 2008 we carried out a demographic analysis with support from PONA-Foundation the Bakanje Health Survey 2008. On the basis of this survey, we, together with the inhabitants of Chhirringkharka decide to build "Chhirringkharka Community Clinic" and "Project Proposal" and "Construction Proposal" was drawn up in mid-December and sent to the village and to the Donor. At the end of January 2009 we got answers and comments on project proposals and the final "Project Description" and "Construction Description" was completed and sent to the Donor, PONA-Foundation first in February 2009.

In the autumn of 2009, I experienced the great pleasure to see my design and my dream turned into reality, and so even better-looking and better implemented than I had expected. We immediately went to plan the next step in the process, to get trained a few girls as midwives and a group of residents for a month acute-and first aid course, and then to purchase equipment and remedies.

Spring 2010 we sent 9 local residents from Chhirringkharka, 7 women and 2 men, on a first aid course at the Midwife Center in Phaplu. A 3 week course that brought them around all the acute cases, which they will meet in the village. In connection with the course they received a First aid kit with assorted instruments and equipment, as they must keep at home with themselves, so they can intervene immediately. In addition, they got a bonus of 30 $, if they would join the course every day and stay away from alcohol at all. Read "Working Plan for First Aid Training" and "First Aid Box"

In the fall of 2010, we could inaugurate the clinic. By then the first aid helpers already had saved a life, because a man had eaten poisonous mushrooms and was becoming paralyzed. He got emetic and recovered. The clinic had also employed Sarita Sherpa who is CMA (Community Medical Assistant) who had moved to the village because she had been married to the son to one of our constructors. We purchased medical equipment well above the clinic's current capabilities, but for future exploitation. Shortly after the inauguration was an elderly man hospitalized with a serious pneumonia and Sarita did diligently using all of its new equipment, and he recovered. More patients visit the clinic daily and only the shaman is a little unhappy with the new facility. All in all an excellent project, which now can be included in our efforts to upgrade the entire health sector in Bakanje Municipality. Read in Women Empowerment Project (WEP), how we will raise the awareness of women in the municipality around their own responsibility to pursue their own health care. You can read the final report on the construction of the Project Report on CCC, October 2010 and also how this clinic is part of our Bakanje Health Upgrade Project, November 2010.

In the WEP Phase 1-1 we had employed Staff Nurse Samjhana Lama as Health Facilitator. She published a report on her 6 weeks in Bakanje: Health Report Phase 1-1-2012

In the autumn of 2013, we made a statistics over the clinic's activities from the opened in November 2010 to October 2013

The clinic only had minor cracks and fissures from the earthquake of april 2015.

Deutch Chhirringkharka Community Clinic