Ambulance til Nagarkot Community Clinic

Ude på kanten af Kathmandu dalen blev i 2005 bygget en lille klinik, som skulle betjene befolkningen omme på den anden side af kanten - i Nagarkot kommune. Mange turister kender navnet Nagarkot, fordi der oppe på kanten ligger en række hoteller, hvorfra der er udsigt til Himalaya kæden. Men de færreste ved at Nagarkot snarere er et mægtigt landområde med en masse landsbyer, hvor en stor bondebefolkning lever traditionelt så ganske nær hovedstaden uden at være synderlig påvirket af den.

Klinikken fik en lille lav ambulance af Rotary Club of Kathmandu, dengang klinikken blev bygget. Ambulancen skulle blot fungere som transport mellem landsbyklinikken og hospitalerne i Kathmandu. Den kunne ikke køre om på den anden side af kanten i det uvejsomme terræn for at hente patienterne. De skulle fortsat bæres hele vejen til klinikken, og det er ikke nemt med svært syge og tilskadekomne.

Da Rotary Club of Kathmandu i 2010 spurgte os, om vi kunne hjælpe med at skaffe en 4WD-ambulance til klinikken, så var vi straks med. Vi overtalte Skivehus Rotary Klub til at være projekt-ansvarlig, og fik derefter projektet financieret ved gaver fra Løgstør Rotary Klub, Copenhagen International Rotary Klub, Rotary Distrikt 1440, Rotary Danmarks Hjælpefond og Rotary International Foundation.

I juli 2012 blev ambulancen overdraget til Nagarkot Community Clinic, fuldt udstyret med akut-udstyr. På klinikken blev der også etableret akut modtagelse, så patienterne kunne blive visiteret i klinikken for videre behandling eller for videre transport til større hospitaler i hovedstaden.

Den gamle lave ambulance bliver nu doneret til et hospital i Kathmandu. Formodentlig hovedstadens eneste center for nyrepatienter.

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ambulance nagakot nagarcot community clinic
nagarkot ambulance

On the edge of Kathmandu valley was in 2005 built a small clinic to serve the public on the other side of the edge - in Nagarkot municipality. Many tourists know the name , because up there on the edge is a variety of hotels, with morning views of the Himalayan chain. But few know that Nagarkot rather is a mighty land with a lot of villages where a large peasant population lives traditionally quite near the capital without having to be much affected by it.

The clinic was donated a small low ambulance by Rotary Club of Kathmandu, when the clinic was built. The ambulance should just act as transport between the village clinic and hospitals in Kathmandu. It could'nt run on the other side of the edge in the rugged terrain to get patients. They were still carried all the way to the clinic, and it is not easy with severely ill and injured.

The Rotary Club of Kathmandu in 2010 asked us if we could help provide a 4WD ambulance to the clinic, and we immediately searching for the possibilities to help. We convinced Skivehus Rotary Klub to be responsible for the project, and then we got the project funded by gifts from Løgstør Rotary Klub, Copenhagen International Rotary Club, Rotary District 1440, Rotary Danmarks Hjælpe Fond and Rotary International Foundation.

In July 2012, the ambulance was handed over to Nagarkot Community Clinic, fully equipped with emergency equipment. At the clinic was also established emergency department, so patients could be referred to the clinic for further treatment or for further transport to larger hospitals in the capital.

The old low ambulance will now be donated to a hospital in Kathmandu. Probably the capital's only center for kidney patients.

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